Los Gatos Addiction Treatment, Counseling and Therapy
Drug Addiction • Substance Abuse Disorder • Alcohol Addiction • Behavioral Addictions
Los Gatos Addiction Counseling of Silicon Valley near Los Gatos specializes in Addiction Treatment, Counseling and Therapy for adults and teenagers with Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Disorder, Alcohol Addiction, and Behavioral Addictions.
Addiction treatment uses a variety of therapies such as Psychodynamic and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), all of which are evidenced-based and goal-oriented addiction treatments. The cornerstone of therapy is compassionate, safety, and comfort.
Through thousands of research studies, counseling and therapy have been shown to be the standard for treating Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Disorder, Alcohol Addiction, and Behavioral Addictions.
Therapy has been shown to help people and their families to better manage the negative effects of addiction in their personal lives and careers. Therapy and counseling can help you to learn how to find effective addiction treatment solutions by increasing positive emotions and thought while letting go of negative feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
Addiction Counseling, Therapy, and Treatment near Los Gatos
It can be difficult to find a well-trained therapist and counselor in the Los Gatos area to treat addiction. Los Gatos Addiction Counseling is centrally located near Los Gatos just 1/2 mile from the Hamilton Avenue exit off Hwy 17 / 880 and 1/2 mile from the Bird Avenue exit off Hwy 280.
Specializing in Addiction Counseling, Treatment and Therapy near Los Gatos
Addiction Treatment Counseling and Therapy near Los Gatos – Experience a new relief, happiness, and freedom from the dark cloud and chronic problems with effective addiction treatment.
Addiction Therapy and Counseling near Los Gatos – Stop the cravings and find a deeper and greater sense of peace by learning how to manage and self-soother without addiction therapy.
Natural Remedies Addiction Counseling near Los Gatos – Learn practical goal-oriented ways to overcome addiction with time proven natural remedies for addiction treatment.
Behavioral Addictions Counseling and Therapy near Los Gatos – Learn to be happy by letting go behavioral addictions like gambling, compulsive shopping, sex addiction, eating disorders, and video gaming.
Our Therapist Specializes in Addiction Counseling and Therapy
Our therapist has a Masters and Ph.D. in psychology is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She receives ongoing training in the evidence-based treatments for Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Disorder, Alcohol Addiction, Behavioral Addictions, and other psychiatric disorders. Additionally, she has a doctorate in Naturopathy and is an internationally renowned expert in natural remedies in addiction treatment. This often helps people suffering from addiction to avoid addictive medications.
This comprehensive and integrative level of care means that you will receive the highest quality of counseling and therapy in a comfortable and safe setting. During your telephone call to make an appointment, we will match you with the best time to meet your needs and schedule. You are also welcome to make an appointment online anytime with our convenient online calendar.
About Los Gatos Addiction Counseling
Los Gatos Addiction Counseling specializes in individual therapy counseling for adults and adolescents with Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse Disorder, Alcohol Addiction, Behavioral Addictions, and other mental health problems. We are located near Los Gatos just 1/2 a mile from the Bird Avenue exit off Highway 280. Our office is located near Highways 85, 17 and 280, we serve Los Gatos and the rest of the Silicon Valley.
Picture notes:
Picture one: Vasona Park is located in Los Gatos, California and is owned by the Town of Los Gatos. Vasona Lake County Park has plenty to do. One can take a ride on the Billy Jones Railroad, or the Carousel. Walk the part, have a picnic at the lake or cook a BBQ. The natural wildlife is amazing as is fishing from the bridge.
Picture two: Friends hiking at Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve located off Bear Creek Road in Los Gatos, California. The preserve is located on the western slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains overlooking Half Moon Bay. The centerpiece of this 4,711-acre Preserve is Purisima Creek Canyon, with its towering redwoods, rushing creek, and understory of ferns, berries, and wildflowers.